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Friday, February 28, 2014

Southwest Regional Day 1 results

Team standings and key: 1T. Burrell (BUR) and Huntingdon (HU) 41. 3. Jefferson-Morgan 36. 4. Chestnut Ridge (CR) 35. 5. South Fayette (SF) 30. 6. Bedford (BD) 27.5 7T. Berlin Brothersvalley (BB) and Mount Union (MU) 25. 9. Meyersdale (MY) 24.5 10T. Cambria Heights (CAM) and Southmoreland 23. 21. Valley (VAL) 22. 13. Central Cambria (CC) 21. 14. Somerset (SO) 20.5 15. West Branch (WB) 20 16T. Penns Valley (PV) and South Park (SP) 19. 18. Richland (RI) 18. 19. Kittanning (KIT) 17.5 20. Bentworth (BENT) 17 21. Blairsville (BL) 16 22. Chartiers-Houston (C-H) 15 23. South Allegheny (SA) 14 24T. Ellwood City (EC), Marion Center (MC), Tyrone (TY) 13. 27. United (UN) 12.5 28. Northern Bedford (NB) 12 29. Penn Cambria (PC) 11.5 30. Beth-Center (BC) 11 31T. Burgettstown (BRG), Derry Area (DA) 33T. Everett (EV), Forest Hills (FH), Mount Pleasant (MP), Yough (YO) 9 37. Avella (AV) 8.5 38. Freedom (FREE) 8 39T. Highlands (HI), HOPE for Hyndman (HY), North Star (NS), Westmont Hilltop (WH) 7 43. West Shamokin (WS) 5 44. Juniata (JU) 4.5 45T. Jeannette (JNT), Moshannon Valley (MV), West Greene (WG) 4 48. Avonworth (AVON), Carlynton (CAR), Fort Cherry (FC), Keystone Oaks (KO) 2. 53. Laurel (LRL) 1. 54T. Central, Conemaugh Township (CT), Tussey Mountain (TM), Washington (WASH) 0. 58. Ligonier Valley (LV) minus-1.

106-Aaron Burkett, CR, pinned Cole Lambie, SM, 2:46; Nolan Link, PC, dec. Hunter Neely, BENT, 4-3; Max Murin, CC, pinned Quinn Cole, SO, 3:23.
113-Collin Glorioso, HU, dec. Brendan Howard, JM, 7-2; Griffiths, SM, maj. dec. Blake Dunlap, 12-0; Jon Gabriel, BD, dec. Logan Blackburn, WH, 9-2; Austin McDermitt, BRG, maj. dec. Ian Ostrowski, CC, 9-0.
120-George Phillippi, DA, dec. Curtis Decker, PV, 4-2; Sage Moist, MU, pinned Justo Hernandez, SA, :45; Triston Law, FH, dec. Kody Komara, FREE, 7-2; Joe Swank, BB, dec. Jake Rothka, BENT, 3-0.
126-John Demaske, JM, dec. Tom Opdenhoff, 3-0; Joe Davis, CAM, dec. Jared Helsley, NB, 7-2; Patrick Dewitt, VAL, dec. Jake Warren, BD, 8-2; Adam George, RI, pinned Stone Kepple, DA, 3:40.
132-Mike Carr, SF, maj. dec. Logan Witwicki, CAR, 11-0; Tanner Hetrick, MY, maj. dec. Dean Ward, FREE, 12-1; Devon Green, HU, dec. Evan Myers, SM, 5-3 (UTB); JR Andrejcik, BUR, dec. Ryan Easter, BD, 2-1 (TB).
138-Jake Wentzel, SP, dec. Gio Vonne Sanders, JNT, 5-2; Garrett Thomas, BD, dec. Stephen Kotouch, BRG, 9-5; Jason Miller, JM, dec. Brandon Heberling, MC, 4-3; Richie McGinnis, C-H, dec. Derrick Claar, CR, 6-2.
145-Jason Nolf, KIT, pinned Brett Beltz, SF, 3:18; Isaac Stewart, MC, dec. Braden Fochtman, BB, 3-2; Jacob Oliver, HU, dec. Seth Deist, MY, 5-2; Corey Falleroni, BUR, dec. Trent Crouse, CR, 5-3 (OT).
152-Steve Edwards, BUR, dec. Jon Wagner, HU, 5-0; Nolan Wise, HI, dec. Tevin Mostoller, NS, 6-4; Grant Fetchet, SF, dec. Taylor Cahill, BB, 7-4 (TB); Drew Doak (BL) dec. Greg Bulsak, SP, 5-3.
160-Jared Walker, SF, dec. Derek Beitz, JU, 1-0; Nico Brown, BC, pinned Pete Provenzano, C-H, 1:43; Niebauer, CAM, dec. Colby Hillegass, CR, 3-1; Bryce Fochtman, BB, dec. Ethan Charlesworth, MP, 5-3 (OT).
170-Corey Hazel, PV, pinned Derek Hull, C-H; Lucas Kolinchak, NB, dec. Nick Pattock, BUR, 3-1; Nico Pecora, RI, dec. Landon Lohr, SO, 6-3; Bill Bowlen,JM, pinned Logan Fisher, HU, 3:09.
182-Scott Thompson, BL, pinned Brendon Glover, WS, 2:53; Conner Buttry, CR, dec. Dalton Wildman, WG, 5-3; Gavin Berkley, MY, maj. dec. Matt Norris, HU, 9-1; Terrell Fields, VAL, pinned Austin Boone, SSB, 1:39.
195-Tyler Oliver, UN, tech. fall Robert Scherer, BUR, 17-1 (4:00); Brad Grinnen, EC, dec. Toby Cahill, BB, 3-2 (UTB); Jared Beckwith, TY, pinned Logan Eller, SO, 4:52; James Bennett, HY, dec. Phil Kyle, MU, 4-1.
220-Jake Temple, AV, tech. fall Tom Sever, YO, 16-1 (5:16); Seth Hitchens, SA, dec. Kevin Horner, NS, 9-2; Jacob Robb, KIT, dec. Ty Smith, MY, 6-2; Buzzy Maines, WB, pinned Josh Lind, MP, 1:22.
285-Allan Beattie, BUR, medical forfeit over Morgan Selepack, WB; Devin Reed, EV, dec. Nik Smith, MU, 3-1; Jake Beistel, SM, dec. Aaron Gill, C-H, 2-1 (TB); Austin Buttry, CR, pinned Ian Wolfe, JM, 4:23.

Second-Round Consolations
106-Couteret, WB, pinned Carlos Chavez, LV, 2:40; Cole, SO, maj. dec. Zach Clark, 10-1; Neely, BENT, maj. dec. Andrew John, SF, 10-0; Lambie, SM, dec. Sequawon Harris, VAL, 7-2.
113-Ostrowski, CC, maj. dec. Trey Childers, NB, 10-1; Blackburn, WH, pinned Brock Biddle, CEN, 1:39; Noah Stoker, SA, dec. Dunlap, 4-2; Howard, JM, dec. Cole Wano, DA, 9-7.
120-Rothka, BENT, maj. dec. Brody Trumbull, KIT, 13-4; Komara, FREE, dec. Kyle Mehle, BD, 7-3; Hernandez, SA, dec. Camden Anderson, KO, 6-2; Decker, PV, dec. Stephen Rouser, RI, 8-2.
126-Kepple, DA, dec. Anthony Marra, BUR, 5-2; Matt Vickless, BENT, dec. Jake Warren, BD, 1-0; Jake Boozel, MU, dec. Helsley, NB, 5-0; Opdenhoff, CC, maj. dec. Kody Ofsanko, CT, 13-0.
132-Easter, BD, maj. dec. Bryce Bloom, MV, 9-1; Darion Trimmer, AVON, dec. Myers, SM, 4-2; Austin Hemminger, SO, tech. fall Ward, FREE, 16-0 (2:28); Aleic Hunter, TY, dec. Witwicki, CAR, 4-2.
138-Claar, CR, maj. dec. Nick Hoenstine, CEN, 9-0; Heberling, MC, dec. Nathan Russell, HU, 11-9; Jon Fabian, SO, dec. Kotouch, 7-4; Sanders, JNT, maj. dec. Daniel Croyle, LV, 11-2.
145-Nick Naglic, RI, dec. Crouse, 7-2; Austin Mears, MP, dec. Deist, MY, 11-4; Tony Welsh, BC, dec. Braden Fochtman, BB, 5-2; Brett Beltz, SF, dec. Austin Gill, CAM, 3-0.
152-Bulsak, SP, dec. Jason Stay, BC, 4-2; Cahill, BB, dec. Seth Decker, 7-2; Mostoller, NS, dec. Dominic Farabaugh, PC, 10-4; Wagner, HU, maj. dec. Quinn Barnett, TM, 12-2.
160-Beattie, BUR, dec. Ethan Charlesworth, MP, 8-2; Dylan Smith, MU, dec. Hillegass, CR, 5-2; Ryan Zalar, JM, dec. Provenzano, C-H, 3-2; Beitz, JU, dec. Eric Lynn, HU, 7-0.
170-Fisher, HU, dec. Dillion Charlton, NS, 2-0; Lohr, SO, pinned Dalton Rosta, LRL, 3:48; Lucas Richardson, YO, dec. Pattock, BUR, 4-2; Hull, C-H, dec. Shawn Carl, AV, 3-2.
182-Chance Williams, BD, dec. Boone, SSB, 4-2 (TB); Norris, dec., pinned Jason Thoms, PV, 6-4; Wildman, WG, maj. dec. Jake Walker, KO, 13-4; Glover, WS, pinned Kent Stewart, MV, 1:40.
195-Kyle, MU, pinned Brandon Wasko, AVON, :55; Mitchell Lauer, HU, dec. Eller, SO, 5-1; Marcus Davenport, VAL, pinned Cahill, BB, 3:36; Scherer, BUR, dec. Derek Allen, AV, 4-0.
220-Seth McLendon, UN, pinned Lind, MP, 2:54; Smith, MY, dec. Mike Sinclair, EC, 4-3; Trevor McIntyre, FC, dec. Kevin Horner, NS, 4-3; Sever, YO, pinned Nate Zanoni, BB, :58.
285-Wolfe, JM, medical forfeit over KaDale Coles; Gill, CH, pinned Adam Foreman, EC, 3:20; Mason Shumaker, BENT, maj. dec. Smith, MU, 12-4; Jack Bunnell, MV, medical forfeit over Morgan Selepack, WB.

First-Round Consolations
106-Chavez, LV, bye; Clark, NB, dec. William Hockenberry, WS, 13-11 (OT); John, SF, pinned Tyler Alberts, EC, 2:09, Harris, bye.
113-Childers, NB; Biddle, NB, dec. Brendon Malia, KIT, 6-0; Stoker, SA, dec. Chad Gurdish, BENT, 7-0; Wano, DA, bye.
120-Trumbull, KIT, bye; Mehle, BD, pinned Lloyd, AV, 4:21; Anderson, KO, dec. Dustin Ickes, CR, 2-0; Rouser, RI, bye.
126-Marra, BUR, bye; Vickless, BENT, pinned Ben Hritsko, C-H, 3:16; Boozel, MU, pinned Matt Pavlick, FREE, 1:44; Ofsanko, CT, bye.
132-Bloom, MV, bye; Darion Trimmer, AVON, dec. Dalton Clark, LV, 4-0; Hemminger, SO, pinned Ty Mitchell, BENT, 3:38; Hunter, TY, bye.
138-Hoenstine, CEN, bye; Russell, HU, maj. dec. Cody Jenkins, S, 11-1; Fabian, SO, dec. Shane Ging, SF, 4-1; Croyle, LV, bye.
145-Naglic, RI, bye; Mears, MP, dec. George Rogers, WASH, 3-2; Welsh, BC, dec. Nick Kusich, AV, 3-1; Gill, CH, bye.
152-Stay, BC, bye; Seth Decker, PV, pinned Trevor Kniha, JM, 2:17; Farabaugh, PC, tech. fall Derek Baker, DA, 16-0 (4:05); Barnett, TM, bye.
160-Beattie, BUR, bye; Smith, MU, dec. Chris Hutzell, MY, 4-3; Zalar, JM, dec. Jake McKee, BRG, 1-0; Lynn, HU, bye.
170-Charlton, NS, bye; Rosa, LRL, dec. Nick Pecze, BL, 6-3; Richardson, YO, pinned Paul Mizia, BENT, 2:12; Carl, AV, bye.
182-Williams, BD, bye; Thoms, PV, pinned Clay Waldron, YO, 1:13; Walker, KO, dec. Freddie McKissick, CAR, 3-2 (UTB); Stewart, MV, bye.
195-Wasko, AVON, bye; Lauer, HU, pinned John Wissinger, WS, 1:30; Davenport, VAL, pinned Jeffrey Isiminger, WG, :43; Allen, AV, bye.
220-McLendon, UN, bye; Sinclair, EC, pinned Raymond Marsh, LV, 2:29; McIntyre, FC, dec. John Wilkinson, PC, 5-1; Zanoni, BB, bye.
285-Coles, AVON, bye; Foreman, EC, dec. David Grafton, KIT, 2-1 (TB); Shumaker, BENT, dec. Anthony Collins, BB, 3-2 (UTB); Bunnell, MV, bye.

First Round
106-Burkett, CR, bye; Lambie, SM, pinned Chavez, LV, 4:33; Neely, BENT, pinned Clark, NB, :47; Link, PC, pinned Hockenberry, WS, 5:31.
Murin, CC, pinned Alberts, EC, 1:31; Cole, SO, dec. John, SF, 1-0; Couteret, WB, pinned Harris, VAL, 3:05; Bulsak, SP, bye.
113-Glorioso, HU, bye; Howard, JM, dec. Childers, NB, 7-4; Griffiths, SM, dec. Biddle, CEN, 5-0; Dunlap, CR, pinned Malia, KIT, 1:55.
Gabriel, BD, tech. fall Gurdish, BENT, 18-2 (5:15); Blackburn, WH, pinned Stoker, SA, 1:39; Ostrowski, CC, pinned Wano, DA, 2:48; McDermitt, BRG, bye.
120-Phillippi, DA, bye; Decker, PV, maj. dec. Trumbull, 6-1; Hernandez, SA, dec. Mehle, 6-1; Hernandez, SA, dec. Mehle, 6-1; Moist, maj. dec. Lloyd, AV, 14-3.
Law, FH, pinned Anderson, KO, dec. Ickes, CR, 10-8; Rothka, BENT, dec. Rouser, RI, 4-0; Swank, BB, bye.
126-Demaske, JM, bye; Opdenhoff, CC, dec. Marra, BUR, 7-0; Davis, CAM, dec. Vickless, Helsley, NB, pinned Hritsko, C-H, 2:45.
Warren, BD, pinned Pavlick, FREE, 1:30; Dewitt, VAL, dec. Boozel, 8-2; Kepple, DA, dec. Ofsanko, CT, 7-1; George, RI, bye.
132-Carr, SF, bye; Witwicki, CAR, dec. Bloom, MV, 6-2; Hetrick, MY, dec. Trimmer, AVON, 2-1 (TB); Ward, FREE, pinned Clark, LV, 5:-6.
Green, HU, pinned Mitchell, BENT, 3:24; Myers, SM, dec. Hemminger, SO, 8-4; Andrejecik, BUR, dec. Hunter, TY, 6-3; Easter, BD, bye.
138-Wentzel, SP, bye; Vonne Sanders dec. Russell, HU, 3-2 (TB); Thomas, BD, maj. dec. Jenkins, SA, 10-1; Kotuch, BRG, dec. Russell, HU, 6-5.
Heberling, MC, pinned Ging, SF, 1:56; Miller, JM, maj. dec. Fabian, SO, 16-2; McGInnis, C-H, maj. dec. Croyle, LV, 21-12; Claar, CR, bye.
145-Nolf, KIT, bye; Beltz, SF, dec. Naglic, RI, 5-1; Fochtman, BB, dec. Mears, MP, 4-3 (TB); Stewart, MC, dec. Rogers, WASH, 16-5.
Oliver, HU, pinned Kusich, AV, 2:14; Deist, MY, pinned Welsh, BC, 5:26; Falleroni, BUR, maj. dec. Gill, CAM, 9-0; Crouse, CR, bye.
152-Edwards, BUR, bye; Wagner, HU, dec. Stay, BC, 6-5 (TB); Wise, HIGH, dec. Decker, PV, 6-4; Mostoller, NS, dec. Kniha, JM, 5-0.
Cahill, BB, pinned Baker, DA, 1:28; Fetchet, SF, pinned Farabaugh, PC, 3:05; Greg Bulsak, SP, dec. Barnett, TM, 8-2; Doak, BL, bye.
160-Walker, SF, bye; Beitz, tech. fall Beattie, BUR, 16-1 (4:35); Brown, BC, dec. Hutzell, MY, 4-1; Provenzano, C-H, dec. Smith, MU, 7-1.
Niebauer, CAM, pinned McKee, BRG, 2:45; Hillegass, CR, dec. Zalar, JM, 7-0; Charlesworth, MP, maj. dec. Lynn, HU, 11-0; Fochtman, BB, bye.
170-Hazel, PV, bye; Hull, C-H, pinned Charlton, NS, 3:45; Pattock, BUR, maj. dec. Pecze, BL, 15-2; Kolinchak, NB, dec. Rosta, LRL, 1-0.
Lohr, SO, pinned Mizia, BENT, 3:01; Pecora, RI, dec. Richardson, YO, 4-0; Fisher, HU, dec. Carl, AV, 6-0; Bowlen, JM, bye.
182-Thompson, BL, bye; Glover, WS, dec. Williams, 7-3; Wildman, WG, dec. Thoms, PV, 4-3; Buttry, CR, pinned Waldron, YO, 1:15.
Berkley, MY, tech. fall McKissick, CAR, 16-1 (4:41); Norris, HU, dec. Walker, KO, 5-2; Boone, SSB, dec. Stewart, MV, 5-3 (TB); Fields, VAL, bye.
195-Oliver, UN, bye; Scherer, BUR, pinned Wasko, AVON, 3:02; Cahill, BB, pinned Wissinger, WS, 1:40; Grinnen, EC, pinned 5:01.
Eller, SO, dec. Davenport, VAL, 3-2; Beckwith, TY, pinned Isiminger, WG, 2:57; Kyle, MU, pinned Allen, AV, 2:35; Bennett, HY, bye.
220-Temple, AV, bye; Sever, YO, dec. McLendon, UN, 2-1; Hitchens, SA, pinned Marsh, LV, 5:21; Horner, NS, pinned Sinclair, EC, 4:26.
Smith, MY, dec. McIntyre, FC, 7-1; Robb, KIT, tech. fall Wilkinson, PC, 16-1 (2:58); Lind, MP, pinned Zanoni, BB, 1:35; Maines, bye.
285-Beattie, BUR, bye; Selepack, WB, inj. def. over Coles, AVON; Reed, EV, pinned Foreman, EC, 3:38; Smith, MU, dec. Grafton, KIT, 5-1.
Gill, CAM, pinned Shumaker, BENT, 2:30; Beistel, SM, maj. dec. Collins, BB, 8-0; Wolfe, JM, pinned Bunnell, MV, :38; Buttry, CR, bye.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Regional qualifiers from District 5

Regional qualifiers by school

Chestnut Ridge (8) – Aaron Burkett (106), Blake Dunlap (113), Dustin Ickes (120), Derrick Claar (138), Trent Crouse (145), Colby Hillegass (160), Conner Buttry (182), Austin Buttry (285).

Berlin Brothersvalley (7) – Joe Swank (120), Braden Fochtman (145), Taylor Cahill (152), Bryce Fochtman (160), Toby Cahill (195), Nate Zanoni (220), Anthony Collins (285).

Bedford (6) – Jon Gabriel (113), Kyle Mehle (120), Jake Warren (126), Ryan Easter (132), Garrett Thomas (138), Chance Williams (182).

Meyersdale (5) – Tanner Hetrick (132), Seth Deist (145), Chris Hutzell (160), Gavin Berkley (182), Ty Smith (220).

Somerset (5) – Quinn Cole (106), Austin Hemminger (132), Jon Fabian (138), Landon Lohr (170), Logan Eller (195).

Northern Bedford (4) – Zach Clark (106), Trey Childers (113), Jared Helsley (126), Lucas Kolinchak (170).

North Star (3) – Tevin Mostoller (152), Dillion Charlton (170), ­Kevin Horner (220).

Conemaugh Townhip (1) – Kody Ofsanko (126).

Everett (1) – Devin Reed (285).

HOPE for Hyndman (1) – James Bennett (195).

Tussey Mountain (1) – Quinn Barnett (152)

District 5 finals matchups

By weight
106-No. 1 Aaron Burkett, CR, 33-3 vs. No. 2 Quinn Cole, SO, 21-8.
113-No. 1 Jon Gabriel, BD, 22-3 vs. No. 3 Blake Dunlap, CR, 21-8.
120-No. 1 Joe Swank, BB, 30-2 vs. No. 6 Kyle Mehle, BD, 13-8.
126-No. 1 Jared Helsley, NB, 23-9 vs. No. 3 Jake Warren, BD, 18-9
132-No. 1 Ryan Easter, BD, 24-3 vs. No. 2 Tanner Hetrick, MY, 32-7.
138-No. 1 Derrick Claar, CR, 30-6 vs. No. 2 Garrett Thomas, BD, 23-3.
145-No. 1 Braden Fochtman, BB, 35-4 vs. No. 2 Trent Crouse, CR, 29-6.
152-No. 1 Taylor Cahill, BB, 34-2 vs. No. 2 Tevin Mostoller, NS, 28-11.
160-No. 1 Bryce Fochtman, BB, 32-4 vs. No. 2 Chris Hutzell, MY, 23-9.
170-No. 1 Landon Lohr, SO, 21-4 vs. No. 2 Lucas Kolinchak, NB, 24-5.
182-No. 1 Gavin Berkley, MY, 31-1 vs. No. 2 Conner Buttry, CR, 32-4.
195-No. 1 James Bennett, HY, 30-1 vs. No. 2 Toby Cahill, BB, 28-8.
220-No. 1 Ty Smith, MY, 30-8 vs. No. 2 Kevin Horner, NS, 21-12.
285-No. 1 Austin Buttry, CR, 24-4 vs. No. 2 Devin Reed, EV, 23-5.

By school
Chestnut Ridge (6) - 106, 113, 138, 145, 182, 285
Bedford (5) - 113, 120, 126, 132, 138
Berlin Brothersvalley (5) - 120, 145, 152, 160, 195
Meyersdale (4) - 132, 160, 182, 220
North Star (2) - 152, 220
Northern Bedford (2) - 126, 170
Somerset (2) - 106, 170
Everett - 285
HOPE for Hyndman - 195

District 5 results through finals (132)

Word of warning: I'll only be here until 145-pound final. You can get results by following Shawn Curtis on Twitter @shawncurtis430.

Team standings and key before finals:
1. Chestnut Ridge (CR) 171.5
2. Berlin Brothersvalley (BB) 159
3. Bedford (BD) 134.5
4. Somerset (SO) 99.5
5. Meyersdale (MY) 96
6. North Star (NS) 87
7. Northern Bedford (NB) 82
8. Everett (EV) 49
9. Conemaugh Township 35
10. Hope for Hyndman (HY) 30
11. Tussey Mountain (TM) 24
12. Shade (SH) 18

106-Aaron Burkett, CR, tech. fall Quinn Cole, SO, 16-0 (3:55).
113-Jon Gabriel, BD, tech. fall Blake Dunlap, CR, 19-4 (5:09).
120-Joe Swank, BB, tech. fall Kyle Mehle, BD, 19-4 (5:09).
126-Jake Warren, BD, dec. Jared Helsley, NB, 4-3.
132-Ryan Easter, BD, dec. Tanner Hetrick, MY, 4-2.

Consolation finals
106-Zach Clark, NB, dec. Noah Baughman, BD, 4-2 (TB).
113-Trey Childers, NB, dec. Dalton Klotz, EV, 7-6.
120-Dustin Ickes, CR, dec. Colton Gennett, NS, 6-4.
126-Kody Ofsanko, CT, dec. E.J. Custer, BB, 4-2.
132-Austin Hemminger, SO, dec. Sam Shank, CR, 5-3.
138-Jon Fabian, SO, pinned Storm McDonald, BB, 2:14.
145-Seth Deist, MY, dec. Toby Brett, BD, 4-1.
152-Quinn Barnett, TM, dec. Chris Eichlberger, NB, 4-2.
160-Colby Hillegass, CR, dec. Mike Laue, SO, 4-2 (OT).
170-Dillion Charlton, NS, dec. Brad Winegardner, CR, 3-1.
182-Chance Williams, BD, dec. Shane Pepper, BB, 3-1 (OT).
195-Logan Eller, SO, pinned Thomas Miller, NS, 2:06.
220-Nate Zanoni, BB, dec. Shane Davis, CR, 2-1 (UTB).
285-Anthony Collins, BB, dec. Trevor Brown, SH, 3-1.

Here's a recap of the interesting things I saw in semifinal round. Complete results from Day 2 are below it.
  • Big win for Chestnut Ridge at 113 as Blake Dunlap, who lost twice to Berlin's Tommy DeArmitt, pinned the No. 2 seed this time. I think DeArmitt tried to roll through with a cradle and ended up in a headlock, but Dunlap had been leading by a point or two for most of the match. That will be a big one in the team standings, though I expect Ridge to pull away this round.
  • Bedford's Kyle Mehle, the sixth seed at 120, landed a surprising spot in the finals by beating Everett's Ben Stover 11-8. Stover, the seventh seed, was leading in the third, but Mehle got a headlock for a reversal and three backpoints.
  • The result of Stover and Mehle being in the semifinals was that second-seeded Robby Snyder of Hyndman and third-seeded Dylan Park of Tussey Mountain met in the third round of consolations. Park scored a late reversal for an 8-7 victory.
  • Northern Bedford's Jared Helsley scored a takedown in the final seconds to beat Berlin Brothersvalley's E.J. Custer 3-1 and earn a spot in the 126-pound final. 
  • Another No. 2 seed goes down - this one in dominating fashion - as Bedford's Jake Warren major decisions Conemaugh Township's Kody Ofsanko at 126. Bedford is looking like a real contender for second place. Not sure there's enough there to overtake Ridge, though. 
  • Bedford's Ryan Easter wasn't quite as dominant as we're used to, but had a fairly comfortable 11-3 victory over Somerset's Austin Hemminger at 126, a first-period headlock attempt by Hemmingter not withstanding.
  • Meyersdale's Tanner Hetrick picked up his 100th career victory and a spot in the 126 final with an 8-1 victory over Ridge's Sam Shank.
  • A bit of a surprise at 138, not in the winner but in how close it was. Chestnut Ridge's Derrick Claar beat Berlin's Storm McDonald 9-4, but it was much tighter than that. McDonald took Claar down twice and it was a two-point match before Claar got an escape and takedown in the third period. 
  • The 145-pound semifinals were supposed to be the highlight of the round, but I was very disappointed, at least in the top half of the bracket. Unfortunately, they were both on at the same time, so I didn't see much of Trent Crouse's 6-1 victory over Meyersdale's Seth Deist. Braden Fochtman's pin of Toby Brett turned out to be a clunker. There were a couple of very good flurries, but after the first in the first period, neither wrestler did much of anything. At all. For most of the match. I was really disappointed in the official, Jarrett Musselman, who refused to hit either (really both) wrestlers for stalling even though they stood in the center of the mat and looked at one another for at least a full minute of the match time. Another scramble or two ensued on the edge, but mostly they just stood and stared. To be fair to the wrestlers, I would guess it was because Brett was almost pinned in a scramble in the first period and then Fochtman nearly ended up on his back at the end of it. I think both were afraid to try anything. That's why it's on the official to make them go on the attack. Eventually, Fochtman took a shot, lifted Brett, took him to his back and pinned him with 4 seconds remaining, but the score was 1-1 to that point and featured very little action.  
  • Finally something to get excited about. The 170-pound match between Landon Lohr and Dillion Charlton was fantastic fun. Charlton led 4-2, Lohr rallied to take the lead but Charlton got a late locking-hands call to send it to OT. There were about five calls on the edge that were very difficult, but (I thought) well made. In the end, Lohr let Charlton shoot in on his leg, elevated and pinned him with 10 seconds left in OT. The most I've seen the fans into a match here in awhile. Certainly the most entertaining of the weekend so  far. 
  • I didn't see 182, but Meyersdale's Gavin Berkley pinned Berlin's Shane Pepper. Chestnut Ridge's Conner Buttry had a closer match (4-2) than I would have guessed with Bedford's Chance Williams.
  • I was interested to see how Toby Cahill's match with Logan Eller went at 195. In the dual, Cahill hit a headlock and pinned Eller. Low and behold,he hit a headlock again. It wasn't enough for a pin this time, but it did give him the winning margin in his 9-4 victory.
106-Burkett, CR, pinned Thomas, CT, :49; Cole, SO, dec. Brode, TM, 7-2.
113-Gabriel, BD, inj. def. over Childers, NB, 1:56; Dunlap, CR, pinned DeArmitt, 5:02.
120-Swank, BB, pinned Gennett, 3:38; Mehle, BD, dec. Stover, EV, 11-8.
126-Helsley, NB, dec. Custer, BB, 3-1; Warren, BB, maj. dec. Ofsanko, CT, 10-0.
132-Easter, BD, maj. dec. Hemminger, SO, 11-3; Hetrick, MY, dec. Shank, CR, 8-1.
138-Claar, CR, dec. McDonald, BB, 9-4; Thomas, BD, dec. Fabian, SO, 5-1.
145-Fochtman, BB, pinned Brett, BD, 5:56; Crouse, CR, dec. Deist, MY, 6-1.
152-Cahill, BB, dec. Eichelberger, NB, 10-4; Mostoller, NS, dec. Wagner, SO, 7-5.
160-Fochtman, BB, dec. Laue, SO, 1-0; Hutzell, MY, dec. Hillegass, CR, 2-1.
170-Lohr, SO, pinnned Charlton, NS, 6:50 (OT); Kolinchak, NB, dec. Winegardner, CR, 6-3.
182-Berkley, MY, pinned Pepper, BB, 4:51; Buttry, CR, dec. Williams, BD, 4-2.
195-Bennett, HY, dec. Miller, NS, 4-1; Cahill, BB, dec. Eller, SO, 9-4.
220-Smith, MY, dec. Davis, CR, 5-3; Horner, NS, pinned Merkel, HY, 1:49.
285-Buttry, CR, pinned Brown, SH, 4:23; Reed, EV, pinned Collins, BB, 3:54.

Consolation Semifinals
106-Baughman, BD, pinned Oaklee Brode, TM, 1:12; Clark, NB, dec. Nathaniel Thomas, CT, 2-1.
113-Klotz, EV, dec. Tommy DeArmitt, BB, 6-5; Childers, NB, dec. Tanner Clites, HY, 9-3.
120-Ickes, CR, pinned Ben Stover, EV, 3:21; Gennett, NS, dec. Dylan Park, TM, 5-0.
126-Ofsanko, CT, forfeit over Morgan Deremer, CR; Custer, BB, pinned Brady Gardner, NS, :39.
132-Shank, CR, dec. Kane McKenzie, BB, 4-2 (OT); Hemminger, SO, dec. Carter Replogle, NB, 10-3.
138-Fabian, SO, dec. Brady McKenzie, MY, 6-1; McDonald, BB, pinned Ridge Hershberger, NB, 1:35.
145-Deist, MY, pinned Casey Berchick, CT, 1:48; Brett, BD, pinned Bailey Phillips, SO, 2:18.
152-Barnett, TM, dec. Sheldon Wagner, SO, 11-5; Eichelberger, NB, dec. Kenny Collins, BD, 5-0.
160-Hillegass, CR, dec. Daniel Brett, BD, 5-3; Laue, SO, dec. Gus Strasiser, NS, 7-3.
170-Winegardner, CR, pinned Oscar Miller, HY, 2:56; Charlton, NS, dec. Brody Moore, BB, 3-1.
182-Williams, BD, dec. Hunter Connor, NS, 2-1 (TB); Pepper, BB, dec. Mason Guyer, NB, 3-1.
195-Eller, SO, pinned Tristan Deal, :58; Thomas, NS, dec. Jon Heming, CR, 6-0.
220-Zanoni, BB, pinned Chris Merkel, HY, 4:32; Davis, CR, pinned Jack Hause, SO, 2:17.
285-Collins, BB, pinned Blake Breneman, MY, :56; Brown, SH, pinned Nate Shoemaker, BD, 2:19.

Third-Round Consolations106-Baughman, BD, dec. Lenny Beeman, NS, 8-3; Clark, NB, dec. Cameron Gibbner, HY, 2-0.
113-Klotz, EV, forfeit over Kat Luteri, SO; Clites, HY, dec. Aaron Griffith, CT, 5-2.
120-Ickes, CR, pinned Michael Steiner, CT, 2:36; Park, TM, dec. Robby Snyder, HY, 8-7.
126-Deremer, CR, maj. dec. Austin Lawson, SH, 11-2; Gardner, NS, dec. Brennan Price,TM, 13-9.
132-McKenzie, BB, maj. dec. Shayne Brumbaugh, TM, 8-0; Replogle, NB, dec. Michael Baker, NS, 3-2.
138-McKenzie, MY, dec. Shawn Costas, NS, 6-3; Hershberger, NB, pinned Brandon Stahl, CT, 2:17.
145-Berchick, CT, maj. dec. Kyle Supanick, NS, 15-6; Phillips, SO, dec. Lee Moskey, HY, 6-2.
152-Barnett, TM, pinned Colton Stahl, CT, 2:19; Collins, BD, dec. Brandyn Beaver, CR, 3-2.
160-Brett, BD, dec. Wes Graham, EV, 5-3; Strasiser, NS, dec. Jake Grosik, NS, 6-0.
170-Miller, HY, dec. Waylon Brennan, EV, 4-2; Moore, BB, dec. Brayden Crawley, BD, 9-3.
182-Connor, NS, pinned Reed, EV, :52; Guyer, NB, pinned Casey Pyle, SO, 4:36.
195-Deal, MY, pinned John Baublitz, SH, 2:44; Heming, CR, dec. Matt Kline, BD, 7-2.
220-Zanoni, BB, pinned Zach Claycomb, EV, 3:17; Hause, SO, dec. Zack Svencer, CT, 2-1.
285-Breneman, MY, dec. Brandon Greise, HY, 3-2; Shoemaker, BB, dec. Brady Vinsky, 7-0.

Friday, February 21, 2014

District 5 results through quarterfinals

Quarterfinals ended at 6:30 and I am leaving. Word is that has audio on it.
  • The 120-pound bracket has had two upsets, as sixth-seeded Kyle Mehle of Bedford beat Tussey Mountain's Dylan Park 8-6. Moments later, Everett's Ben Stover pinned second-seeded Robby Snyder of Hyndman.
  • Not sure how tight the team race will be, but Berlin got a big win at 126, as E.J. Custer pinned Morgan Deremer. Deremer had beaten Custer twice in dual meets.
  • Berlin gets another big reversal of fortune at 138. Storm McDonald lost to Brady McKenzie of Meyersdale three times during the regular season but turned a first-period headlock into a 5-4 victory.
  • Another No. 3 seed goes down at 160, as Chestnut Ridge's Colby Hillegass knocks off North Star's Gus Strasiser, 4-2 in tiebreaker. Both fans were a bit unhappy with official Mike Eichelberger. North Star fans thought Strasiser had two backpoints late in the third period, but the ruling was a pair of one-counts. Then, in the first overtime period, Hillegass was in deep on a shot but ended up with Strasiser on his back for a potentially dangerous call that Ridge fans didn't like. In the end, Hillegass got a reversal in the second half of the tiebreaker for the win. 
  • Somerset's Landon Lohr notched his 100th career victory in impressive style, recording a technical fall over Everett's Waylon Brennan in just 2:23. 
  • Berlin gets its third "revenge" match of the round, as Shane Pepper beats North Star's Hunter Connor 6-5 at 182. Connor had won their first two matches this season. 
  • North Star's Thomas Miller gets the "drama king" award for the quarterfinals. He fell behind Meyersdale's Tristan Deal in the final minute, but ended up with a takedown and two backpoints at the buzzer for a dramatic victory. (Scoreboard said 6-2, but that could not have been right). 
  • Chestnut Ridge gets a big pin over Berlin at 220, as No. 5 Shane Davis pins No. 4 Nate Zanoni.
106-Aaron Burkett, CR, tech. fall Noah Baughman, BD, 18-2 (5:56); Nathan Thomas, CT, dec. Lenny Beeman, NS, 5-3; Oaklee Brode, TM, pinned Cameron Gibbner, HY, :45; Quinn Cole, SO, dec. Zach Clark, NB, 4-1.
113-Jon Gabriel, BD, pinned Kat Luteri, SO, 2:31; Trey Childers, NB, pinned Dalton Klotz, 4:19; Blake Dunlap, CR, pinned Tanner Clites, HY, 2:37; Tommy DeArmitt, BB, maj. dec. Aaron Griffith, CT, 15-4.
120-Joe Swank, BB, pinned Michael Steiner, CT, 1:45; Colton Gennett, NS; dec. Dustin Ickes, CR, 10-3; Kyle Mehle, BD, dec. Dylan Park, TM, 8-6; Ben Stover, EV, pinned Robby Snyder, HY, 4:46.
126-Jared Helsley, NB, pinned Austin Lawson, SH, 2:30; E.J. Custer, BB, pinned Morgan Deremer, CR, 5:30; Jake Warren, BB, pinned Brennan Price, TM, 2:43; Kody Ofsanko, CT, pinned Brady Gardner, NS, 3:24.
132-Ryan Easter, BD, tech. fall Shayne Brumbaugh, TM, 17-2 (2:36); Austin Hemminger, SO, dec. Kane McKenzie, BB, 7-2; Sam Shank, CR, dec. Carter Replogle, NB, 9-4; Tanner Hetrick, MY, pinned Mahlon Akers, EV, 3:55.
138-Derrick Claar, CR, pinned Shawn Costas, NS, 3:33; Storm McDonald, BB, dec. Brady McKenzie, MY, 5-4; Jon Fabian, SO, pinned Ridge Hershberger, NB, 5:46; Garrett Thomas, BD, pinned Brandon Stahl, CT, 1:07.
145-Braden Fochtman, BB, pinned Kyle Supanick, NS, 1:39; Toby Brett, BD, pinned Casey Berchick, CT, 2:43; Seth Deist, CT, pinned Lee Moskey, HY, 2:32; Trent Crouse, CR, pinned Bailey Phillips, SO, 1:23.
152-Taylor Cahill, BB, pinned Colton Stahl, CT, 1:22; Chris Eichelberger, NB, maj. dec. Quinn Barnett, TM, 11-2; Sheldon Wagner, SO, dec. Brandyn Beaver, CR, 5-3; Tevin Mostoller, NS, dec. Kenny Collins, BD, 6-0.
160-Bryce Fochtman, BB, pinned Wes Graham, EV, 5:09; Mike Laue, SO, dec. Daniel Brett, BD, 11-4; Colby Hillegass, CR, dec. Gus Strasiser, NS, 4-2 (TB); Chris Hutzell, MY, dec. Jake Grosik, CT, 5-0.
170-Landon Lohr, SO, tech. fall Waylon Brennan, EV, 16-1 (2:23); Dillion Charlton, NS, maj. dec. Oscar Miller, HY, 9-0; Kyle Winegardner, CR, dec. Brody Moore, BB, 3-2; Lucas Kolinchak, NB, dec. Brayden Crawley, BD.
182-Gavin Berkley, MY, pinned Dalton Reed, EV, :16; Shane Pepper, BB, dec. Hunter Connor, NS, 6-5; Chance Williams, BD, dec. Mason Guyer, NB, 3-2 (TB); Conner Buttry, CR, pinned Casey Pyle, SO, 1:01.
195-James Bennett, HY, pinned John Baublitz, SH, :25; Thomas Miller, NS, dec. Tristan Deal, MY, 6-2; Logan Eller, SO, pinned Matt Kline, BD, 3:25; Toby Cahill, BB, pinned Jon Heming, CR, 3:20.
220-Ty Smith, MY, pinned Zach Claycomb, EV; Shane Davis, CR, pinned Nate Zanoni, BB, 4:23; Chris Merkel, HY, pinned Zack Svencer, CT, 3:17; Kevin Horner, NS, pinned Jack Hause, SO.
285-Austin Buttry, CR, pinned Blake Breneman, MY, :31; Trevor Brown, SH, pinned Brandon Greise, HY, 3:47; Anthony Collins, BB, dec. Nate Shoemaker, BD, 5-2; Devin Reed, EV, pinned Brady Vinisky, NS, 1:59.

First Round
106-Baughman, BD, pinned Boyce, BB, 2:19; Gibbner, HY, pinned Bambling, EV, :34; Clark, NB, pinned Carnell, MY, 1:49.
113-Luteri, SO, dec. Reichard, TM, 3-2.
120-No matches.
126-Lawson, SH, pinned Munoz, EV, 2:34; Gardner, NS, pinned Arnold, MY, :59.
132-Brumbaugh, TM, pinned Baker, NS, 3:36; Akers, EV, maj. dec. Smith, SH, 14-0.
138-No matches.
145-Supanik, NS, pinned Crawford, NB, 3:14.
152-Stahl, CT, pinned Swick, MY, 3:52.
160-Graham, EV, dec. Bechtel, NB, 8-2; Grosik, CT, pinned HY, 1:21.
170-Brennan, EV, pinned Lishia, MY, 2:52.
182-No matches.
195-No matches.
220-Claycomb, EV, pinned Wigfield, BD, 5:15.
285-Breneman, MY, pinned Morales, TM, 1:50.

Monday, February 17, 2014

District 5 seeding controversy

As I noted last night, the District 5 brackets are out for this weekend's tournament. I still don't have enough time to do a detailed analysis of them, but I've had enough people ask me about the 145-pound bracket to make it worth a quick post.
The burning question is: How can Berlin's Braden Fochtman be the No. 1 seed when he was beaten not once but twice by Chestnut Ridge's Trent Crouse?
I know, it seems illogical at best. The simple answer is, the system says that head-to-head results are only taken into account if the difference between two wrestlers' point totals is 15 or less. With Fochtman and Crouse, they weren't even close. Fochtman had 240 points, compared with 175 for Crouse, so it wasn't even close.
What's more amazing is that Fochtman, from what I've been told, would have been the top seed in the entire tournament at any weight. One coach told me that Fochtman's 240 points were more than Austin Buttry, who beat three state placewinners, and Ryan Easter, who was a state runner-up last season. Taylor Cahill also was over 200 points, which was a number that I was told only Nick Roberts had topped in the past few years.
I'm baffled as to how Berlin's wrestlers could have accrued so many points with what certainly looked like a much weaker schedule than Chestnut Ridge's. Both teams were in the Thomas tournament. There was some good competition at the Sheetz Holiday Classic and one or two decent matches at the Redbank Valley tournament and the Mountaineer Duals, but those don't compare to Ridge's schedule, which includes the Brookville Ultimate Duals and POWERade.
Seedings are always difficult, and Berlin was on the other end of this a few years ago when Jacob Craig was the second seed to Bedford's Jacob Krupa, who he had beaten twice. I understand why the system requires points to be taken into consideration for head-to-head to matter. Since Nick Roberts came up earlier in the post, let's use him for a hypothetical example. Say he was wrestling a .500 wrestler but had an injury that forced him to default or that he got caught in a headlock and pinned by the hypothetical average wrestler. Should he, a two-time state champ heading into districts, have been the second seed because of that? I think we could all understand that he shouldn't. But those are very rare scenarios that don't occur often, if at all. Scenarios like the Fochtman-Crouse one seem to happen more often.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

District 5 brackets

There were some delays in getting the District 5 brackets, but they're finally online now at
Unfortunately, I can't really look at them or analyze them now. Maybe later in the week.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Regional qualifers from District 6

Note: These were posted before the consolation finals and finals, so it's merely a list of qualifiers and may not reflect the final placement.

106-Murin, CC; Link, PC; Couteret, WB; Chavez, LV.
113-Glorioso, HU; Blackburn, WH; Ostrowski, CC; Biddle, CEN.
120-Law, FH; Moist, MU; Rouser, RI; Decker, PV.
126-George, RI; Davis, CH; Opdenhoff, CC; Boozel, MU.
132-Green, HU; Clark, LV; Hunter, TY; Bloom, MU.
138-Heberling, MC; Schopp, TY; Hoenstine, CEN; Russell, HU.
145-Oliver, UN; Stewart, MC; Naglic, RI; Gill, CH.
152-Doak, BL; Decker, PV; Wagner, HU; Farabaugh, PC.
160-Smith, MU; Niebauer, CH; Lynn, HU; Beitz, JU.
170-Pecora, RI; Hazel, PV; Fisher, HU; Pecze, BL.
182-Thompson, BL; Norris, HU; Thoms, PV; Stewart, MV.
195-Beckwith, TY; Oliver, UN; Lauer, HU; Kyle, MU.
220-Maines, WB; Marsh, LV; McLendon, UN; Wilkinson, PC.
285-Smith, MU; Gill, CH; Bunnell, MV; Selepack, WB.

Live results from District 6 AA through 220-pound final

Consolation finals are now complete. Haven't updated team standings, but Huntingdon is going to win by a huge margin.
Will start finals soon. If you're looking for live updates on it, best bet is to follow me on Twitter @eric_knopsnyder.

106-Max Murin, CC, dec. Nolan Link, PC, 4-3.
113-Collin Glorioso, HU, dec. Logan Blackburn, WH, 7-0.
120-Triston Law, FH, dec. Sage Moist, MU, 5-0.
126-Adam George, RI, dec. Joe Davis, CH, 4-1.
132-Devon Green, HU, pinned Dalton Clark, LV, 5:48.
138-Jason Schopp, TY, dec. Brandon Heberling, MC, 2-0.
145-Jacob Oliver, HU, dec. Isaac Stewart, MC, 7-1.
152-Drew Doak, BL, dec. Sth Decker, PV, 3-2.
160-Levi Niebauer, CH, dec. Dylan Smith, MU, 3-0.
170-Corey Hazel, PV, dec. Nico Pecora, RI, 4-2 (OT).
182-Scott Thompson, BL, pinned Matt Norris, HU, 1:32.
195-Tyler Oliver, UN, pinned Jared Beckwith, 3:47.
220-Buzzy Maines, WB, pinned Raymond Marsh, LV, 1:47.
285-Aaron Gill, CH, dec. Nik Smith, MU, 5-3 (UTB).

Consolation Finals
106-Joseph Couteret, WB, pinned Carlos Chavez, LV, 2:05.
113-Ian Ostrowski, CC, dec. Brock Biddle, CEN, 4-1.
120-Curtis Decker, PV, dec. Stephen Rouser, RI, 6-4 (OT).
126-Tom Opdenhoff, CC, dec. Jake Boozel, MU, 12-7.
132-Bryce Bloom, MV, dec. Aleic Hunter, TY, 4-2.
138-Nathan Russell, HU, dec. Nick Hoenstine, CEN, 5-4.
145-Nick Naglic, RI, inj. def. over. Austin Gill, CH, 3:41.
152-Jon Wagner, HU, dec. Dominic Farabaugh, PC, 5-3 (OT).
160-Derek Beitz, JU, dec. Eric Lynn, HU, 4-0.
170-Logan Fisher, HU, dec. Nick Pecze, BL, 5-1.
182-Kent Stewart, MV, dec. Jason Thoms, PV, 11-10.
195-Phil Kyle, MU, dec. Mitchell Lauer, HU, 6-3.
220-Seth McLendon, UN, pinned Johnathan Wilkinson, PC, 1:35.
285-Morgan Selepack, WB, pinned Jack Bunnell, MV, :24.

Fifth-Place Matches
106-Tanner McCall, FH, dec. Tylynn Miller, JU, 9-4.
113-Jake Keiper, FH, dec. Wyatt Sankey, WB, 8-5.
120-Tyler Scott, HU, maj. dec. Hunter Kern, JV, 13-2.
126-Richie Gilson, JU, dec. Ethan Kennedy, CEN, 11-4.
132-Josh Gould, FH, dec. Jonathan Rojas, GL, 3-1.
138-Daniel Croyle, LV, dec. Austin Emel, SJC, 7-3.
145-Travis Templeton, FH, maj. dec. Mike Eckenrode, PC, 11-0.
152-Jared Benner, PV, dec. Mike Mock, CENt, 2-1.
160-Clayton Green, WB, pinned Kyle Stewart, GL, 2:12
170-Nick Torsell, BA, pinned Dalton Waksmunski, CH, 3:31.
182-Dennis Link, CH, dec. Taylor Foster, JU, 4-2.
195-Vincent McDowell, WB, dec. Joey Frontino, NC, 10-6.
220-Darrien Stapleton, MU, injury forfeit over Hussein Sbeitan, WH.
285-Andrew Deitman, UN, maj. dec. Kody Ness, GL, 10-0.

Team scores after consolation semifinals
1. Huntingdon 197.5
2. Mount Union 140
3. West Branch 127
4. Cambria Heights 121
5. Ligonier Valley 114.5
6. Penns Valley 114
7. Moshannon Valley 90.5
8. Marion Center 86.5
9. Richland 86.5
10. Central Cambria 85

106-Murin, CC, pinned Chavez, LV, 2:51; Link, PC, maj. dec. Couteret, 10-1.
113-Glorioso, HU, dec. Ostrowski, CC, 5-0; Blackburn, WH, dec. Biddle, CEN, 4-2 (OT).
120-Law, FH, dec. Decker, PV, 3-0; Moist, MU, dec. Scott, HU, 7-3.
126-George, RI, dec. Boozel, MU, 5-0; Davis, CH, dec. Opdenhoff, CC, 4-2 (OT).
132-Green, HU, maj. dec. Rojas, GL, 10-1; Clark, LV, maj. dec. Josh Gould, FH, 16-2.
138-Heberling, MC, dec. Nathan Russell, HU, 7-6; Schopp, TY, dec. Hoenstine, CEN, 2-1.
145-Oliver, HU, dec. Templeton, FH, 6-4; Stewart, MC, dec. Naglic, RI, 5-3 (UTB).
152-Doak, BL, dec. Benner, JU, 8-4; Decker, PV, dec. Wagner, HU, 9-6.
160-Smith, MU, dec. Beitz, JU, 4-3; Niebauer, CH, dec. Lynn, HU, 4-1.
170-Pecora, RI, maj. dec. Waksmunski, CH, 14-1; Hazel, PV, dec. Fisher, HU, 8-2.
182-Thompson, BL, pinned Stewart, MV, :54; Norris, HU, dec. Foster, JU, 8-5.
195-Beckwith, TY, dec. Lauer, HU, 4-2; Oliver, UN, dec. Kyle, MU, 10-3.
220-Maines, WB, dec. Stapleton, MU, 10-4; Marsh, LV, dec. Wilkinson, PC, 6-5.
285-Smith, MU, pinned Bunnell, MV, 2:55; Gill, CH, dec. Selepack, WB, 4-1.

Consolation Semifinals
106-Couteret, WB, dec. McCall, FH, 8-6 (OT); Chavez, LV, dec. Miller, JU, 15-13 (OT).
113-Ostrowski, CC, dec. Keiper, FH, 7-4; Biddle, CEN, pinned Sankey, WB, 3:32.
120-Rouser, RI, dec. Scott, HU, 4-0; Decker, PV, pinned Kern, JV, :47.
126-Opdenhoff, CC, pinned Gilson, JU, 2:33; Boozel, MU, maj. dec. Kennedy, CEN, 11-1.
132-Hunter, TY, dec. Gould, FH, 6-5; Bloom, MV, dec. Rojas, GL, 1-0.
138-Hoenstine, CEN, dec. Emel, SJC, 7-3; Russell, HU, pinned Croyle, LV, 2:25.
145-Naglic, RI, pinned Eckenrode, PC, 4:30; Gill, CH, dec. Templeton, FH, 12-6.
152-Wagner, HU, dec. Mock, CEN, 9-5; Farabaugh, PC, dec. Benner, JU, 4-3.
160-Lynn, HU, dec. Green, WB, 4-3; Beitz, JU, pinned Stewart, GL, 3:55.
170-Fisher, HU, dec. Torsell, BA, 4-0; Pecze, BL, dec. Waksmunski, CH, 6-3.
182-Thoms, PV, pinned Foster, JU, 4:15; Stewart, MV, pinned Link, CH, 2:36.
195-Lauer, HU, pinned McDowell, WB, 1:30; Kyle MU, pinned Frontino, NC, 3:51.
220-McLendon, UN, dec. Darrian Stapleton, MU, 4-3; Wilkinson, PC, inj. def. over Seitan, WH, 2:24.
285-Bunnell, MV, dec. Ness, GL, 6-0; Selepack, WB, dec. Deitman, 10-5.

Fourth-Round Conslations
106-McCall, FH, pinned Dylan Hamilton, MV, 2:45; Miller, JU, dec. Shae Wright, NC, 5-0.
113-Keiper, FH, maj. dec. Hicks, MC, 13-0; Sankey, WB, dec. Kolton Confer, PV, 4-0.
120-Rouser, RI, maj. dec. David Wiles, MC, 11-0; Kern, JV, pinned Hunter Kish, CC, 2:01.
126-Gilson, JU, dec. Matt Wilson, HU, 4-2; Kennedy, CEN, dec. Jared Hurd, PV, 3-01
132-Hunter, TY, dec. Jacob Confer, PV, 3-1 (OT); Bloom, MV, pinned Cole Hypes, CK, 4:33.
138-Emel, SJC, pinned Chase Fox, PO, 2:13; Croyle, LV, dec. Kaleb Quick, WB, 7-1.
145-Eckenrode, PC, dec. Brent Troutman, JV, 5-2; Gill, CH, pinned Tyler Long, MU, 3:42.
152-Mock, CEN, maj. dec. Justin Hommer, GL, 19-6; Farabaugh, PC, pinned Neiderhiser, LV, 4:05.
160-Green, WB, dec. Jacob Driskel, PC, 4-3; Stewart, GL, pinned Phil Crook, MC, 4:15.
170-Torsell, BA, maj. dec. Justin Hammel, CK, 11-2; Pecze, BL, dec. Nathan Trottier, LV, 2-1.
182-Thoms, PV, pinned Jared Ponder, CEN, 2:53; Link, CH, pinned Robert Pearce, WB, 1:30.
195-McDowell, WB, maj. dec. Ty Treaster, JU, 12-3; Frontino, NC, tech. fall Tyler Elder, CK, 17-2 (5:00).
220-McLendon, UN, dec. Tyler Morningstar, HU, 3-0; Sbeitan, WH, dec. Raymond Carlheim, GL, 6-0.
285-Ness, GL, pinned Brandon Cunkleman, BL, 1:36; Deitman, UN, pinned Nick Winfield, SH, 3:56.

Third-Round Consolations
106-Hamilton, MV, pinned Caleb Walls, UN, 4:39; McCall, FH, tech. fall Bryton Stidfole, MU, 15-0 (4:14); Miller, JU, pinned Hunter, TY, 1:40; Wright, NC, dec. Tyler Zapach, MC, 3-1 (OT).
113-Hicks, MC, pinned Osborne Cheripka, GL, 1:41; Keiper, FH, tech. fall Cole Walters, JU, 16-1 (3:00); Sankey, WB, pinned Michael Dautlick, CH, 3:35; Confer, PV, dec. Jakob Dodson, CK, 2-0 (OT).
120-Rouser, RI, pinned Dakota Walter, CK, 4:24; Wiles, MC, pinned Drake Dorian, WH, 4:05; Kish, CC, dec. Jett Sacolic, GL, 4-2; Kern, JV, dec. Hunter Parks, WB, 5-3.
126-Wilson, HU, dec. Jacob Brown, WB, 10-8 (OT); Gilson, JU, TF, Max Caldwell, LV, 17-0 (4:10); Kennedy, CEN, maj. dec. Dan Yost, WH, 10-2; Hurd, PV, dec. Challen Cornetto, MC, 3-0.
132-Hunter, TY, maj. dec. Josh Wilson, BA, 14-3; Confer, PV, dec. Quentin Whitsel, SH, 2-0 (OT); Hypes, CK, dec. Robbie Steel, MU, 7-5; Bloom, MV, Bryce Biddle, CEN, 6-2.
138-Emel, SJC, pinned Bradon Hughes, GL, :52; Fox, PO, dec. Daniel Verhovsek, RI, 8-2; Croyle, LV, pinned Caleb Wagner, JV, 4:27; Quick, WB, dec. Ryan Thomas, MV, 10-5.
145-Eckenrode, PC, dec. Samuel Ohler, MV, 7-5; Troutman, JV, dec. Nate Claar, BA, 10-6; Long, MU, pinned Ty Snyder, TY, 2:26; Gill, CH, dec. Parker Bumbarger, WB, 4-1.
152-Mock, CEN, maj. dec. Richard Legros, CH, 14-0; Hommer, GL, pinned Blaine Harteis, FH, 1:48; Farabaugh, PC, pinned Kristopher Smeal, WB, 2:32; Neiderhiser, LV, pinned Jeremy Wilson, BA, 1:40.
160-Driskel, PC, dec. Tyler Lenhardt, BL, 7-1; Green, WB, maj. dec. Dakotah Feathers, CK, 9-1; Stewart, GL, dec. Andrew Hurd, PV, 4-0; Crook, MC, dec. Derek Croyle, LV, 9-2.
170-Torsell, BA, pinned Mason Parks, SH, 4:08; Hammel, CK, dec. Blake Burket, CEN, 10-3; Trottier, LV, pinned Matt Wyland, PC, :29; Pecze, BL, dec. Conor Myers, WB, 9-7.
182-Thoms, PV, forfeit over Jordan Johns, NC; Ponder, CEN, pinned Charlie Brewer, MC, 2:12; Robbie Pearce, WB, dec. Colin Barron, WH, 5-3; Link, CH, pinned Bruce Knisely, BA, 1:38.
195-Treaster, JU, pinned Cole Herrington, SH, 2:11; McDowell, WB, pinned Logan Johnson, PV, 1:38; Frontino, NC, dec. Jake Buck, WH, 6-0; Elder, CK, dec. Tony Mezzello, CH, 10-5.
220-Morningstar, HU, pinned Jake Smith, BL, :57; McLendon, UN, pinned Joshua Smith, NC, 1:42; Carlheim, GL, pinned John Branick, CC< 3:45; Sbeitan, WH, pinned Trenton Collins, SH, 2:23.
285-Cunkleman, BL, Wes Heuston, CEN, 4-2; Ness, GL, pinned Cameron Nagle, BA, 1:16; Deitman, UN, pinned Jonathon Riggle, PO, 1:35; Winfield, SH, pinned Joseph Shafron, LV, 1:14.

District 6 AA results and thoughts from Day 1

I wasn't able to make it to the first day of the District 6 AA tournament in Altoona, but I should be there today.
I'm not going to list all of the results, since you can find the brackets here. My guess is that those will not be updated until late Saturday night. But I will be typing in results throughout the day and updating them regularly on another blog post, assuming that the necessary technology cooperates.
Yesterday went almost completely according to seed. The biggest upset (by seeding) was at 132, where 10th-seeded Josh Gould of Forest Hills beat No. 2 Zach Stevens of Penn Cambria 10-3 in the quarterfinals. But I think most people saw that weight as one without a dominant top four, so it's hard to call it a major upset.
One result that did surprise me was at 145, where Marion Center's Isaac Stewart (No. 6) beat third-seeded Parker Bumbarger of West Branch 5-0. I knew that Stewart was a quality wrestler and thought that the sixth seed was low for him, but I didn't see him knocking off Bumbarger.
An even bigger surprise for me was Ligonier Valley's Raymond Marsh, the sixth seed at 220, beating United's Seth McLendon. I wouldn't have even considered that, but Marsh won 4-3 against the regional qualifier from last season.
It was a rough ending to the quarterfinal round for United, as heavyweight Andrew Deitman lost to Moshannon Valley's Jack Bunnell in one of the more intriguing matchups of Day 1. Bunnell was the fourth seed and Deitman the fifth, so it wasn't necessarily an upset, but with five quality heavyweights and only four spots advancing, it could play a key role in who gets to Johnstown.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Change in District 6 AA bracket

There has been at least one change in the District 6 bracket.
Westmont Hilltop's Logan Blackburn and West Branch's Wyatt Sankey have swapped spots in the 113-pound bracket. As I pointed out in an earlier post, Blackburn didn't seem like he should have been the fourth seed.
Apparently, there was a mistake in calculating Sankey's points and Blackburn should have been the third seed all along.
The way I see it, this is good for wrestling as a whole. No disrespect intended toward Sankey, but I believe that Blackburn is probably the second-best wrestler in the weight to top-seeded Collin Glorioso of Huntingdon. With the original brackets, they would have met in the semifinals. This way, Blackburn will (likely) have the opportunity to wrestle second-seeded Brock Biddle of Central in the semifinals. I think that's the better semifinal matchup than Sankey-Biddle and the right one for the weight class.

District 6 individual brackets

The individual brackets for District 6 Class AA were released last night and posted on the District 6 wrestling website.
I don't have time to go over all of the brackets, but here a couple of quick observations on first glance:
  • Westmont Hilltop's Logan Blackburn seems better than a fourth seed at 113 to me. It's hard for me to believe that someone who places at POWERade will be fourth in District 6. I think he's probably the second-best wrestler at the weight. Unfortunately, he'll likely meet Huntingdon's Collin Glorioso in the semifinals.
  • The 126-pound bracket is looking very tough. Richland's Adam George is the top seed and has been very impressive this season while second-seeded Joe Davis of Cambria Heights is a two-time district runner-up. The depth is very good, with Penns Valley's Jared Hurd only getting a sixth seed despite a 22-8 record. In all, 11 wrestlers have a .500 record or better.
  • Point systems can do some crazy things. For instance, Marion Center's Isaac Stewart is the sixth seed at 145 despite a 24-3 record. Samuel Ohler at 18-13 is the fifth seed.
  • Not that it should matter, but I'm surprised that Tyler Oliver of United is only the third seed at 195 pounds. I can see him being seeded behind Tyrone's Jared Beckwith, although they have split two matches this year, but I am stunned that Mount Union's Phil Kyle. As I said, it shouldn't matter since they likely will meet in semifinals.
  • At least one good heavyweight won't be making it to regionals. This is probably the most top-heavy (no pun intended) weight in the tournament. Mount Union's Nik Smith, Cambria Heights' Aaron Gill, West Branch's Morgan Selepack, Moshannon Valley's Jack Bunnell and United's Andrew Deitman are the top five seeds. All are impressive, but with only four spots in Johnstown, someone will go home disappointed.
What do you think? Who got a good seed? Who got hosed? Let me know by leaving a comment.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Somerset-Berlin live results

Unfortunately, I haven't had time to do any updates recently - and there were certainly some interesting results from the last week - but I'm at the Somerset-Berlin match, so I'll post updates via my phone.

Berlin Brothersvalley 51, Somerset 13
220-Nate Zanoni, BB, dec. Jack Hause, 3-1.
285-Anthony Collins, BB, pinned Colton Slayback, 2:34.
106-Quinn Cole, S, maj. dec. Kyle Boyce, 13-0.
113-Tommy DeArmitt, BB, pinned Kat Luteri, 1:33.
120-Joe Swank, BB, pinned Damian Jano, 3:05.
126-E.J. Custer, BB, pinned Garret Foster, 1:03.
132-Austin Hemminger, S, dec. Kane McKenzie, 4-0.
138-Jon Fabian, S, dec. Storm McDonald, 3-1.
145-Braden Fochtman, BB, dec. Sheldon Wagner, 4-3.
152-Taylor Cahill, BB, dec. Mike Laue, 5-2.
160-Bryce Fochtman, BB, pinned Daniel Talley, 1:51.
170-Landon Lohr, S, dec. Brody Moore, 10-4.
182-Shane Pepper, BB, pinned Casey Pyle, 1:49.
195-Toby Cahill, BB, pinned Logan Eller, 5:03.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Off the Mat rankings 2/3/2014

Here are Mark Dugan's latest rankings:


1. BRIAN FRIERY ................ 10…Lewisburg .......................... 4
2. JOE LOBECK ................... 10…Lancaster Catholic ............. 3
3. JAKE REIGEL ................... 09…Bethlehem Catholic ......... 11
4. BRIAN COURTNEY ......... 09…Athens ............................... 4
5. MAX MURIN .................. 09…Central Cambria ................ 6
6. JOHN PIPA ..................... 09…Bishop McDevitt ................ 3
7. SAM HEPLER .................. 09…Tri Valley .......................... 11
8. AARON BURKETT ........... 10…Chestnut Ridge .................. 5
9. DALLAS BULSAK ............. 09…South Park ......................... 7
10. HUNTER NEELY .............. 10…Bentworth ......................... 7
11. NOLAN LINK .................. 11…Penn Cambria .................... 6
12. WILLIE GIRARD .............. 10…Williams Valley ................ 11
13. GAGE BAYLESS ............... 09…Reynolds .......................... 10
14. JOSH HEALY ................... 09…Wyalusing .......................... 4
15. RYAN CARLSON ............. 10…Brockway ........................... 9
16. GAVIN PARK .................. 09…Brookville .......................... 9

1. LUKE KARAM ................. 10…Bethlehem Catholic ......... 11
2. COLLIN GLORIOSO ......... 10…Huntingdon ....................... 6
3. JACOB WASSER ............. 10…Palisades .......................... 11
4. AUSTIN GRIFFITH ........... 11…Southmoreland ................. 7
5. JON GABRIEL ................. 10…Bedford ............................. 5
6. BRENDAN HOWARD ...... 11…Jefferson Morgan .............. 7
7. TAYLOR ORTZ ................ 10…Brookville .......................... 9
8. CAMERON NEWMAN .... 11…Line Mountain ................... 4
9. ERIC HUNT ..................... 11…Warrior Run ....................... 4
10. JIHAD RATLIFF .............. 10…Valley ................................. 7
11. ETHAN CALKINS ............. 12…Troy ................................... 4
12. CHASE DRAWBAUGH ....10…Trinity Camp Hill ................ 3
13. COY CAMPBELL ............. 11…Upper Dauphin .................. 3
14. KYLE DRICK .................... 12…Montgomery ..................... 4
15. SETH HOGUE ................. 10…Reynolds .......................... 10
16. CASEY VOLLMER ............ 11…Port Allegany ..................... 9

1. GEORGE PHILLIPPI ......... 10…Derry Area ......................... 7
2. KORBIN MYERS .............. 11…Boiling Springs ................... 3
3. AUSTIN MCDERMITT ..... 11…Burgettstown .................... 7
4. DAVID PIPA .................... 11…Bishop McDevitt ................ 3
5. JOE SWANK ................... 10…Berlin Brothersvalley ......... 5
6. WILLIS GRUVER ............. 12…Redbank Valley .................. 9
7. CALEB BORDNER ........... 11…Tri Valley .......................... 11
8. TRISTON LAW ................ 11…Forest Hills ......................... 6
9. TODD LANE .................... 09…Southern Columbia ........... 4
10. MATT WHEELER ............ 12…Northwestern .................. 10
11. JOEY GOULD .................. 10…Bethlehem Catholic ......... 11
12. JOSH KUSLOCK .............. 09…Chartiers-Houston ............. 7
13. CALEB GARLAND ........... 10…Hanover ............................. 3
14. TYRUS HAMBLIN ........... 12…Williamson ........................ 4
15. BRIAN EARLSTON .......... 09…Line Mountain ................... 4
16. COLE AARON ................. 10…Brookville .......................... 9

1. ZEKE MOISEY ................. 12…Bethlehem Catholic ......... 11
2. JOHN DEMASKE ............. 12…Jefferson Morgan .............. 7
3. GRANT BOND ................ 11…Boiling Springs ................... 3
4. JOSH GIORGIO ............... 11…Schuylkill Valley ................. 3
5. CODY BLANKENSHIP ...... 12…Kane .................................. 9
6. PATRICK DEWITT ........... 12…Valley ................................. 7
7. ADAM GEORGE ............. 11…Richland ............................. 6
8. COLIN MASHACK ........... 12…Tamaqua ......................... 11
9. JOE DAVIS ...................... 12…Cambria Heights ................ 6
10. MICHAEL BARTOLO ....... 11…Reynolds .......................... 10
11. LEWIS WILLIAMS ........... 11…Central Columbia............... 4
12. TERRENCE WHITE .......... 12…Bishop McDevitt ................ 3
13. TYLER KUZMA ................ 12…Fort LeBoeuf .................... 10
14. ZACH LEBARRON ........... 10…Warrior Run ....................... 4
15. ANTHONY VITALE .......... 09…Benton ............................... 4
16. DEVIN STAHLNECKER .... 11…Hughesville ........................ 4

1. IAN BROWN ................... 12…Hanover ............................. 3
2. AUSTIN HARRY .............. 12…Lake Lehman ..................... 2
3. KYLE SHOOP .................. 11…Boiling Springs ................... 3
4. MIKE CARR .................... 10…South Fayette .................... 7
5. RYAN EASTER ................ 12…Bedford ............................. 5
6. TYLER VATH ................... 11…Saegertown ..................... 10
7. KENT LANE..................... 11…Southern Columbia ........... 4
8. DALTON ZIMMERMAN..11…Brookville ........................... 9
9. SHANE GENTRY ............. 12…Southside Beaver .............. 7
10. ZACH FREY ..................... 10…Hughesville ........................ 4
11. KYLE LUKOWICH ............ 12…Conneaut Area ................ 10
12. ANREW SUTTON............ 12…Pen Argyl ......................... 11
13. MASON LINDENMUTH .. 10…Brockway ........................... 9
14. JOHN ANDREJCIK ........... 12…Burrell ................................ 7
15. NATE NEWBERRY ......... 10…Biglerville ........................... 3
16. CHRIS KUMMERER ........ 12…Hamburg ........................... 3

1. BROCK ZACHERL ............ 12…Brookville .......................... 9
2. JAKE WENTZEL .............. 10…South Park ......................... 7
3. NICK MONICO ............... 10…Saegertown ..................... 10
4. GEORGE MCGUIRE ........ 12…Fort LeBoeuf .................... 10
5. JASON MILLER……………..12…Jefferson Morgan .............. 7
6. TREVOR MCWHORTER .. 12…Williamson ........................ 4
7. JOSH EVANS………………..12…Palmerton ........................ 11
8. MIKEY LABRIOLE………….09…Bethlehem Catholic ......... 11
9. NATE JONES…………………11…South Williamsport ........... 4
10. GARRETT THOMAS………12…Bedford .............................. 5
11. DERRICK CLAAR……………11…Chestnut Ridge .................. 5

12. SCOTT COOPER…………….10…Biglerville .......................... 3
13. AUSTIN JACKSON…………12…Bermudian Springs ............ 3
14. ZACH EDWARDS…………..12…Blue Ridge ......................... 2
15. NICK HOENSTINE………….11…Central .............................. 6
16. CHASE SCHAEFFER……….10…Tri Valley ......................... 11

1. JASON NOLF .................. 12…Kittanning .......................... 7
2. BILLY BARNES ................ 11…Williamson ........................ 4
3. LEVI STOYER .................. 12…Reynolds .......................... 10
4. TYLER SHAFER………………12…Hanover ............................ 3
5. MICHAEL COMUNALE ... 11…Pius X ............................... 11
6. JEFFREY INMAN ............. 11…Annville Cleona ................. 3
7. JACOB OLIVER ............... 09…Huntingdon ....................... 6
8. TRENT CROUSE .............. 11…Chestnut Ridge .................. 5
9. BRADEN FOCHTMAN ..... 10…Berlin Brothersvalley ......... 5

10. ANTHONY WELSH .......... 10…Beth Center ....................... 7
11. COREY FALLERONI ......... 12…Burrell ................................ 7
12. TAYLOR ELLIS ................. 12…Coneaut Area .................. 10
13. MATT HUMES………………12…Saegertown ..................... 10
14. HUNTER HARNER .......... 11…Tri Valley .......................... 11
15. JOHN VAUGHN .............. 11…Boiling Springs ................... 3
16. TRISTAN DECKER ........... 12…Towanda ............................ 4

1. BLAKE MARKS ................ 10…Southern Columbia ........... 4
2. STEVEN EDWARDS ........ 12…Burrell ................................ 7
3. ZACH VROMAN ............. 12…Brookville .......................... 9
4. COLE WALTER ................ 11…Mifflinburg ........................ 4
5. ANDREW DOAK ............. 11…Blairsville ........................... 6
6. GREG BULSAK ................ 10…South Park ......................... 7
7. TAYLOR CAHILL .............. 11…Berlin Brothersvalley ......... 5
8. GRANT FETCHET ............ 12…South Fayette .................... 7
9. DOM VITALE .................. 11…Benton ............................... 4
10. RICHIE CEREBE............... 12…Cavalry Christian ............... 1
11. SETH DECKER ................. 12…Penns Valley ...................... 6
12. MASON MCCOLLUM ..... 12…Reynolds .......................... 10
13. BRAD MALINOWSKI ...... 12…Fort LeBoeuf .................... 10
14. RYAN RAMISH ............... 12…Schuylkill Valley ................. 3
15. VINNY VONELLI ............. 12…Pius X ............................... 11
16. ANTHONY SNYDER ........ 11…Tri Valley .......................... 11

1. KYLE BOVA..................... 12…Coudersport ...................... 9
2. NICK MORT .................... 12…Fairfield ............................. 3
3. JERIC KASUNIC ............... 12…Benton ............................... 4
4. JARED WALKER .............. 11…South Fayette .................... 7
5. BRODIE ZACHERL ........... 12…Brookville .......................... 9
6. BRITON SHELTON .......... 11…Bermudian Springs ............ 3
7. GAGE GLADYSZ .............. 10…Greenville ........................ 10
8. BRYCE FOCHTMAN ........ 11…Berlin Brothersvalley ......... 5
9. SAMUEL COLEBERT ....... 12…Oswayo Valley ................... 9
10. ZACHARY GRAVER ......... 11…Palmerton........................ 11
11. RYAN ZALAR .................. 12…Jefferson Morgan .............. 7
12. LEVI NIEBAUER .............. 11…Cambria Heights ................ 6
13. DEREK BEITZ .................. 12…Juniata ............................... 6
14. EVAN DAUB ................... 11…Northern Lebanon ............. 3
15. KYLE WANNER ............... 12…Pequea Valley .................... 3
16. MAXWELL REED ............ 12…Lewisburg .......................... 4

1. EVAN DELONG ............... 12…Kane .................................. 9
2. NICK CORTOPASSI ......... 12…Bethlehem Catholic ......... 11
3. ZANE BLACK .................. 09…Bishop McDevitt ................ 3
4. RYAN PREISCH ............... 12…Milton ................................ 4
5. JOSH CHURCHIN ............ 12…North Catholic ................... 7
6. BILL BOWLEN ................ 10…Jefferson Morgan .............. 7
7. COREY HAZEL ................ 11…Penns Valley ...................... 6
8. AUSTON HUMMEL ........ 12…North Schuylkill ............... 11
9. NICO PECORA ................ 12…Richland ............................. 6
10. GARRETT HOFFMAN ..... 10…Montoursville .................... 4
11. LANDON LOHR .............. 12…Somerset ........................... 5
12. BRANDON CONRAD ...... 12…Bloomsburg ....................... 4
13. DAKOTA GEER ............... 10…Franklin ............................ 10
14. JORDAN BRYAN ............. 12…North East ....................... 10
15. CODY MILLER................. 12…Hamburg ........................... 3
16. MIKE MILLERO ............... 11…Reynolds .......................... 10

1. STEPHEN LOISEAU ......... 12…Lancaster Catholic ............. 3
2. DYLAN REYNOLDS ......... 11…Saegertown ..................... 10
3. SCOTT THOMPSON ....... 11…Blairsville ........................... 6
4. TERRELL FIELDS ............. 12…Valley ................................. 7
5. GAVIN BERKLEY ............. 12…Meyersdale ....................... 5
6. JOSE ORTIZ .................... 12…Bethlehem Catholic ......... 11
7. GUY ZIMMERMAN ........ 12…Pine Grove ....................... 11
8. COLTON DULL ................ 11…Bermudian Springs ............ 3
9. JUSTIN REYNOLDS ......... 12…Greenville ........................ 10
10. CONNOR FREY ............... 10…Lehighton ........................ 11
11. ZACH BRUCE .................. 12…Cranberry .......................... 9
12. MATTHEW HERR ........... 12…Hughesville ........................ 4
13. LUCAS SHAHEEN ........... 12…Montoursville .................... 4
14. CONNER BUTTRY ........... 10…Chestnut Ridge .................. 5
15. ISAIAH BOBOTAS ........... 12…Montgomery ..................... 4
16. HUNTER CONNOR ......... 11…North Star .......................... 5

1. TRISTAN SPONSELLER ... 12…Bermudian Springs ............ 3
2. GARRETT WESNESKI ...... 12…Canton ............................... 4
3. RYAN MORRIS ............... 12…Corry ................................ 10
4. JAKE ROBB ..................... 10…Kittanning .......................... 7
5. BRAD GRINNEN ............. 12…Elwood City ....................... 7
6. LOGAN WOMELSDORF…11…Benton .............................. 4
7. KYLE TAYLOR ................. 12…Boiling Springs ................... 3
8. TYLER OLIVER ................ 11…United................................ 6
9. JARED BECKWITH .......... 12…Tyrone ............................... 6

10. AUSTIN BASHORE .......... 12…Hamburg ........................... 3
11. RHAINE SZIY .................. 12…Catasauqua ...................... 11
12. JUSTIN BLOBE ................ 12…Saucon Valley .................. 11
13. JAMES BENNETT ............ 12…Hope For Hyndman ........... 5
14. MARCUS DAVENPORT .... 12…Valley ................................. 7
15. GARRETT REINWALD ...... 11…Fort LeBoeuf .................... 10
16. MARQUIS SPENCE .......... 11…Lakeview .......................... 10

1. JAKE TEMPLE ................. 12…Avella ................................. 7
2. REYNOLD MAINES ......... 11…West Branch ...................... 6
3. DYLAN OTIS ................... 11…Wyalusing .......................... 4
4. ANDREW DUNN ............ 11…Bethlehem Catholic ......... 11
5. CONNER ROUTE ............ 12…Canton ............................... 4
6. ZAC FAUST ..................... 11…Wilkes-Barre GAR .............. 2
7. JAYKUP DURLIN ............. 12…Youngsville ...................... 10
8. RYAN MARTIN ............... 12…Pine Grove ....................... 11
9. SETH HITCHINS .............. 11…South Allegheny ................ 7
10. SETH MCLENNDON ....... 12…United................................ 6
11. SAM MCCOLLUM .......... 11…Bermudian Springs ............ 3
12. STEWART TRULICK ........ 12…Berlin Brothersvalley ......... 5
13. RIAN SHUBECK .............. 11…Panther Valley ................. 11
14. ANDREW PHELPS .......... 11…North East ....................... 10
15. CAL HAINES ................... 11…Redbank Valley .................. 9
16. JARED NOSAL ................ 12…Saucon Valley .................. 11

1. SAM BREESE .................. 12…Lakeview .......................... 10
2. ALLEN BEATTIE .............. 11…Burrell ................................ 7
3. NATE CONTI .................. 12…Fort LeBoeuf .................... 10
4. NAZAR MIRONENKO ..... 12…Mifflinburg ........................ 4
5. BRADY MUTTON ........... 12…Pen Argyl ......................... 11
6. GENE RINGER ................ 10…Reynolds .......................... 10
7. AUSTIN BUTTRY ............. 12…Chestnut Ridge .................. 5
8. JAKE BEISTEL ................. 10…Southmoreland ................. 7
9. NIK SMITH ..................... 12…Mount Union ..................... 6
10. AARON GILL ................... 12…Cambria Heights ................ 6

11. NATHAN GADINSKI ........ 11…North Schuylkill ............... 11
12. MORGAN SELEPACK ...... 12…West branch ...................... 6
13. DEVIN REED ................... 11…Everett ............................... 5
14. NATHANIEL KRAMER ..... 12…Schuylkill Haven .............. 11
15. DAULTON CHILSON ....... 10…Wyalusing .......................... 4
16. CONNOR BASSETT ......... 12…Montoursville .................... 4

1. BETHLEHEM CATHOLIC ... ....................................... 11
2. BOILING SPRINGS ... ....... ......................................... 3
3. REYNOLDS ............... ....... ....................................... 10
4. BROOKVILLE ............ ....... ......................................... 9
5. BURRELL .................. ....... ......................................... 7
6. SOUTH FAYETTE ...... ....... ......................................... 7
7. FORT LEBOEUF ........ ....... ....................................... 10
8. BERMUDIAN SPRINGS .... ......................................... 3
9. TOWANDA .............. ....... ......................................... 4
10. CHESTNUT RIDGE.... ....... ......................................... 5
11. SAUCON VALLEY ..... ....... ....................................... 11
12. HUNTINGDON ......... ....... ......................................... 6
13. HAMBURG .............. ....... ......................................... 3
14. WEST BRANCH ........ ....... ......................................... 6
15. BERLIN BROTHERSVALLEY ....................................... 5
16. MONTOURSVILLE .... ....... ......................................... 4
17. GREENVILLE ............ ....... ....................................... 10
18. JEFFERSON MORGAN ..... ......................................... 7
19. NORTH SCHUYLKILL ....... ....................................... 11
20. MOUNT UNION ....... ....... ......................................... 6
21. WYALUSING ............ ....... ......................................... 4
22. HUGHESVILLE.......... ....... ......................................... 4
23. LEWISBURG............. ....... ......................................... 4
24. SAEGERTOWN......... ....... ....................................... 10
25. SCHUYLKILL VALLEY ....... ......................................... 3

Saturday, February 1, 2014

District 5 Dual Meet Championship - Live results

Looking at a 2:15 start for the District 5 Class AA dual-meet championship. The match will start at 120, Berlin Brothersvalley's Joe Swank and Chestnut Ridge's Dustin Ickes are the grapplers penciled in for that bout. 


PROJECTED MATCHUPS (as per the lineup sheet)
120-Joe Swank, BB, vs. Dustin Ickes, CR. 
126-EJ Custer, BB, vs. John Kohler OR Morgan Deremer, CR. 
132-Kane McKenzie, BB, vs. Sam Shank, CR. 
138-Storm McDonald, BB, vs. Derrick Claar, CR.
145-Tyler DeArmitt OR Braden Fochtman, BB, vs. Trent Crouse OR Josh McGill, CR.
152-Taylor Cahill OR Nick Brown, BB, vs. Brandyn Beaver, CR.
160-Bryce Fochtman, BB, vs. Ben Clark OR Colby Hillegass, CR. 
170-Brody Moore OR Trevor Moore, BB vs. Kyle Winegardner, CR. 
182-Shane Pepper, BB, vs. Conner Buttry OR Brandon Clark, CR. 
195-Toby Cahill, BB, vs. no wrestler listed, CR. 
220-Nathan Zanoni, BB, vs. Shane Davis, CR.
285-Anthony Collins, BB, vs. Austin Buttry OR Landon Kensinger, CR.
106-Kyle Boyce, BB, vs. Draven Bollman OR Aaron Burkett, CR.
113-Thomas DeArmitt, BB, vs. Blake Dunlap OR Luke Dobson, CR. 

Berlin Brothersvalley won the toss and selected even bouts. 

120 - Joe Swank, BB, maj. dec. Dustin Ickes, 16-3. 

Swank opened quickly with five backpoints in the first minute, before getting three more near-fall points to end the period. Swank worked his way into a reversal to open the second. A takedown by Swank quickly followed Ickes' escape. Ickes managed two escape points in the third, avoiding the technical fall. Berlin Brothersvalley leads 4-0. 

126 - Morgan Deremer, CR, dec. EJ Custer, 5-2. 

Deremer rolled his way to two backpoints midway to the first. Deremer worked his way to an escape point and an eventual takedown, building a 5-0 lead before Custer wiggled out a reversal just before the period wrapped up. Berlin Brothersvalley leads 4-3. 

132 - Sam Shank, CR, dec. Kane McKenzie, 4-3. 

Shank sat McKenzie down about 40 seconds in before warding off McKenzie's escape attempts for the remaining first-period time. McKenzie worked an escape and backpoints to grab a 3-2 lead late in the second and nearly added to the lead before the buzzer. Shank battled to reversal points about 1:15 in to the third. Chestnut Ridge leads 6-4.

138 - Derrick Claar, CR, pinned. Storm McDonald, 5:26. 

Claar grabbed two early points and held McDonald on the at at through the first. An escape and takedown added to Claar's advantage. Claar opened the third on top and nearly allowed an escape after a blood stoppage (McDonald). After a neutral restart, Claar quickly turned McDonald and scored the pin. Chestnut Ridge leads 12-4. 

145 - Trent Crouse, CR, dec. Braden Fochtman, 3-1. 

Nothing doing in the first. Crouse worked an immediate escape to open the second. Fochtman knotted with an escape 45 seconds into the third. A Crouse takedown with 15.3 seconds remaining secured another Lions win. Chestnut Ridge leads 15-4. 

152 - Taylor Cahill, BB, pinned Brandyn Beaver, :39. 

Cahill pinned Beaver in 39 seconds. Quick takedown and pressure led to the short bout. Chestnut Ridge leads 15-10. 

160 - Bryce Fochtman, BB, maj. dec. Ben Clark, 12-4. 

Fochtman takedown, Clark reversal, Fochtman escape and takedown set the first-period scene. Clark fought a pinfall try in the second, following a Fochtman scoop takedown. Fochtman, looking for bonus points in the bout, let Clark up after a takedown then brought him down again for the eight-point lead. Chestnut Ridge leads 15-14. 

170 - Colby Hillegass, CR, dec. Brody Moore, 3-2. 

Hillegass took the early advantage with a single-leg takedown. Moore scored an escape just as the first ended before allowing an escape to open the second. Moore closed the gap with a third-period escape but couldn't work the equalizing or go-ahead points. Chestnut Ridge leads 18-14. 

182 - Kyle Winegardner, CR, dec. Trevor Moore, 2-0. 

Nothing doing in the first. Winegardner took the lead with two reversal points in the second and maintained control of Moore through the remaining time of the period. More of the same through the third as Winegardner held on. Chestnut Ridge leads 21-14. 

195 - Conner Buttry, CR, pinned Shane Pepper, 2:57. 

Buttry scrambled to a takedown about 50 seconds. Pepper ran to an escape following a restart. Starting the second, Buttry secured a reversal and tallied the pinfall at 2:57. Chestnut Ridge leads 27-14. 

220 - Toby Cahill, BB, dec. Shane Davis, 3-1. 

Cahill notched an early takedown before allowing a Davis escape. Cahill worked the entire second period into fall attempts, but Davis avoided those while not allowing more points. Cahill stood up to add an escape point during a slowly paced third. Chestnut Ridge leads 27-17. 

285 - Austin Buttry, CR, dec. Anthony Collins, 8-2.

Collins playing stayaway through most of the first before Buttry bulled him down for a pair. Buttry stood up easily to start the second. Buttry tumbled Collins to the mat again to make it 5-0. Collins scored an escape out of a restart, before Buttry tripped him up again. A Collins escape wrapped up the second-period scoring. Buttry turned the third into a makeshift rodeo, not allowing Collins much of anything. Chestnut Ridge leads (and clinches at) 30-17. 

106 - Aaron Burkett, CR, pinned Kyle Boyce, 1:30. 

Burkett worked a takedown and established control before getting a pin at 1:30. Chestnut Ridge leads 36-17. 

113 - Tom DeArmitt, BB, dec. Blake Dunlap, 3-1. 

DeArmitt scored a takedown late in the first. Dunlap eventually tallied an escape point. Dunlap allowed an escape in the third as neither gained much in the way of control through the remaining time. Chestnut Ridge wins 36-20. 

District 5 Duals Live results

I won't be able to make it to Chestnut Ridge today, as someone very close to us got some bad health news and, as much as we (OK, I) love wrestling, it was more important to us to be with him today.
With that being said, I'll be trying to find results all day long, as will many of you. Shawn Curtis, sports editor of The Tribune-Democrat will be covering the action and providing live updates, at least for the finals.
All season I've thought it was a given that it Chestnut Ridge and Berlin Brothersvalley would meet in the finals, but the closer we get to it the more I wonder how much trouble Berlin will have with Bedford. Brian Creps and his staff are some of the best around at getting the matchups they need to win duals and the Bisons do a great job of getting their underdogs to avoid giving up bonus points. No, this isn't an attempt to suck up to the Bedford people who were upset with me earlier in the week, just a hunch that the semifinal will be closer than I initially imagined.
No matter which team advances, I'd pick Chestnut Ridge to win the final and represent District 5.
Best of luck to all and, like so many of you, I'll be checking back here regularly to see how it's going at Chestnut Ridge.

UPDATE: Arrived toward the end of the Berlin Brothersvalley-Bedford semifinal. Chestnut Ridge advanced to the final with ease, beating Somerset 61-12. Berlin got by Bedford 33-23 to set up the final for approximately 2 p.m. Will update with box scores momentarily. 

UPDATE: And here are those boxes. 
Chestnut Ridge 61, Somerset 12 
113-Blake Dunlap, CR, forfeit. 
120-Dustin Ickes, CR pinned Kat Luteri :48.
126-Morgan Deremer, CR, maj. dec. Garrett Foster, 11-2.
132-Sam Shank, CR, pinned Austin Hemminger, 3:07.
138-Derrick Claar, CR, dec. Jon Fabian, 7-1.
145-Josh McGill, CR, pinned Bailey Phillips, 4:47.
152-Trent Crouse, CR, pinned Sheldon Wagner, 3:10.
160-Mike Laue, S, dec. Colby Hillegass, 9-3.
170-Landon Lohr, S, dec. Kyle Winegardner, 7-4.
182-Conner Buttry, CR, pinned Nick Holto, 4:42.
195-Logan Eller, S, pinned Brandon Clark, :17.
220-Shane Davis, CR, pinned Colton Slayback, 1:47. 
285-Austin Buttry, CR, pinned Jack Hause, 1:35.
106-Aaron Burkett, CR, pinned Quinn Cole, 3:02. 
Records: Chestnut Ridge 17-3; Somerset 7-3.

Berlin Brothersvalley 33, Bedford 23
113-Jonathan Gabriel, BD, pinned Tommy DeArmitt, 2:25.
120-Joe Swank, BB, maj. dec. Kyle Mehle, 14-0. 
126-Jake Warren, BD, dec. E.J. Custer, 5-1.
132-Ryan Easter, BD, maj. dec. Kane McKenzie 12-2.
138-Garrett Thomas, BD, dec. Storm McDonald, 8-2.
145-Braden Fochtman, BB, dec. Toby Brett 2:42.
152-Taylor Cahill, BB, maj. dec. Josh Grimes, 14-3.
160-Bryce Fochtman, BB, dec. Kenny Collins, 6–1.
170-Daniel Brett, B, maj. dec. Trevor Moore, 16-5.
182-Chance Williams, BD, dec. Shane Pepper, 7-4.
195-Toby Cahill, BB, pinned Brayden Crawley, 4:38.
220-Nate Zanoni, BB, maj. dec. Matt Kline, 14-3. 
285-Anthony Collins, BB, pinned Nate Shoemaker, 7:29 (OT).
106-Kyle Boyce, BB, dec. Noah Baughman, 5-1. 
Records: Berlin Brothersvalley 13-1; Bedford 9-2.